University Student Nurse’s Association Mission Statement:
We as nursing students
and soon to be professional nurses will not discriminate against creed, ethnic origin, sex, religion, or politics. It is our
utmost duty to provide competent professional care to all those patients that we encounter during our commitment to the nursing
During our nursing
career we will respect the religion of all clients that we encounter. We will not discriminate between the religious beliefs
that our client’s have. Throughout the care of our clients, we will treat them with dignity and respect. We will hold
things confidential that are entrusted to us and will provide care that will not harm or endanger our clients.
As we continue
our nursing career we will keep our professional knowledge at its highest level. We will keep updated on current nursing trends
and be further educated regarding our professional nursing skills that we provide. We will give support to our health care
team and will cooperate and follow all rules and regulations.
We will, to our
best ability, honor the international code of ethics applied to nursing. During our career we will maintain the integrity
of the professional nurse.
1994. Updated 2009 MUSNA