Senior Co-President presides over all meetings of both MUSNA and of the executive board.
He or she has the ability to appoint special committees with the approval of MUSNA.
The Senior President must approve all expenses submitted by the treasurer. The
senior president also provides leadership to the Junior Co-President, and to the executive board. The Senior Co-President
is responsible for representing MUSNA in all matters relating to the organization.
Junior Co-President
Junior Co- President is responsible for the duties of the Senior Co-President in the event of his/her absence. This person
automatically becomes the President of MUSNA for the following school year. While
serving as Junior Co-president, this person assists the president in leadership tasks and is also responsible for finding
the guest speakers for our monthly meetings. The Junior Co-President is also
the MUSNA project leader and is responsible for coordinating MUSNA sponsored events.
secretary is in charge of keeping an accurate list of the names of members and attendance at meetings. The secretary produces
the agenda for each meeting and keeps the email listing of MUSNA members maintained.
He/She also conducts and keeps records of general correspondence of the organization as requested by the President/executive
board. The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at each meeting and publishing them within 48 hours via email.
treasurer is responsible for MUSNA’s financial status. This position is in charge of tracking expenses and
maintaining accurate records of all deposits and withdrawals in MUSNA bank accounts.
This board member writes reimbursement checks to members fro conventions or for their nursing pin when they graduate.
The treasurer must work closely with the Secretary to keep track of active members and collect dues. He/She must submit a financial report at all regular meetings of the exectutive board, or when requested
to do so. The treasurer must also submit an annual budget tot the Student Senate Representative.
Public Relations Chairperson
Public Relations Chairperson is the voice of MUSNA. This person is responsible for promoting the organization and encouraging
all nursing students to become members. He/She is required to organize a membership drive at least once a semester. It is also the duty of this chairperson to publicize all MUSNA meetings and activities. He/She also serves
as the chapter historian/photographer, and is responsible for maintaining the MUSNA photo album/scrapbook. It is also the
job of this person to maintain the MUSNA pillar in the breezeway. The pillar
must reflect a theme that is educational in nature at least 2 times/ semester. The
Public Relations chairperson also assists other board members in communicating with members of the community.
Service Chairperson
Service Involement Chairperson coordinates all community service projects for MUSNA. This chairperson works with Student Support
in order to identify community organizations that may be in need of assistance. He/She is responsible for explaining service
requirements to MUSNA members, and for reporting available community services activity to MUSNA members. He/She also ensures
that MUSNA receives credit in Student Support for volunteered hours. This member
publicizes all service projects and keeps records of service project attendance. It is also the duty of this board member
to send appropriate forms/applications to NSNA, WSNA, and Student Support Center for awards.
Fundraising Chairperson
fundraising chairperson is responsible for all fundraisers at the chapter level. He/She must hold at least two fundraisers
per semester- this includes organizing, supervising, and finalizing the fundraiser. It is expected that this person will maintain
any successful annual fundraisers for MUSNA. He/She must publicize the fundraisers
through posters, mass emails, and announcements in class. The Fundraising Chairperson
collects all monies and submits to the treasurer on a timely basis. Total earnings must be reported/submitted to the executive
board each semester.
legislative representative is responsible for keeping members informed of any government legislation concerning nurses. It
is also the duty of this member to maintain correspondence with the Legislative VP from WSNA, and to assist members in formulating
resolutions for WSNA conventions. The legislative representative helps to recruit
members to run for local, state, and national office positions. This board member is also in charge of nominations and
elections for the MUSNA executive board. This includes advertising the upcoming elections and visiting class rooms to explain
the importance of being involved in MUSNA. The Legislative representative sets up elections and produces the ballots.
Curriculum Representative
Curriculum representative attends monthly nursing curriculum with nursing faculty to discuss issues or concerns about the
nursing curriculum. This representative must gather input from nursing students at each level and give feedback to faculty
members regarding curriculum.
Senate Representative
board member is MUSNA’s official representation for the Marian University Student Senate. He or she MUST attend ALL
Student Senate meetings and be actively involved with Student Senate activities. Meetings are held every other Monday
at 6:30. It is the responsibility of the Student Senate Rep. to inform club members about activities that are happening
on campus. Student senate reps must fill out paper work such as progress reports and contingency forms. These forms are very important, as they are how MUSNA accesses contingency funds provided by the Student
Senate. Easily stated, the Student Senate Representative is the voice of MUSNA to the rest of the University.
This position is fun and rewarding to outgoing personalities who like to know what is happening in and around Marian Univeristy
and care what role MUSNA plays in the campus community.